The Good Stuff: Three questions to ask your financial advisor, sponsored by Capital South Wealth Management, LLC

When working with a financial advisor, be sure to ask these three questions:
How will we work together? Capital South strives to tailor their clients’ communications to their preferences. While at a minimum you should see your advisor face to face annually, you should also meet during life changes or during particularly stressful times.
How do I pay you for your work and how much will it cost? Financial advisors may charge in a variety of ways, and it is important to know what you are paying. Capital South makes it a point to discuss and agree upon payment prior to any engagement. Additionally, you can find our fees on their website.
What principles does your firm operate on? Capital South operates on 7 principles: loyalty, transparency, expertise, service, alignment, commitment, and partnership.
Click here to take a closer look at Capital South Wealth Management’s core principles, fee structure, and to learn more about their practice.