Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Baton Rouge Alliance for Students Partners with ExxonMobil Baton Rouge to Celebrate Teachers

Sponsored by Baton Rouge Alliance for Students

The Baton Rouge Alliance for Students and ExxonMobil Baton Rouge have partnered to honor five educators from public schools in East Baton Rouge. As recipients of this honor, each educator received a monetary award of $2,000. The educators were chosen based on their demonstration of the most overall growth year over year for their students. This partnership seeks to recognize these educators for their contributions not only to their individual schools, but to the greater Baton Rouge community.

The award recipients were Karen Duff Dillon of Geo-Prep Academy Charter School, Emmitt Glynn of Baton Rouge High Magnet School, Kieran Levy of McKinley Middle Magnet School, Amy Moore of Westdale Heights Academic Magnet Magnet School, and Katy Ullrich of Liberty Magnet High School.

Teaching ranks among the most crucial professions in our community. Here, our award-winning educators offer advice for those considering a career in education, aiming to improve outcomes for future generations.

Karen Duff Dillon of Geo-Prep Academy Charter School

“Approach teaching with empathy, patience, and an unwavering belief in the potential of every student. Invest time in building positive relationships built on trust and mutual respect. Recognize each student has unique strengths, challenges, and learning styles – tailor your instruction accordingly. Maintain high expectations while providing the necessary scaffolding and support. Stay passionate about your craft by continually learning.

Most importantly, lead by example – model the values of resilience, integrity and compassion you hope to instill in your students. Your impact extends beyond academics; you shape future citizens, leaders, and human beings.”

Emmitt Glynn of Baton Rouge High Magnet School

“Never take things that students may or may not do personally. This will not only make your classroom days more pleasant but also more satisfying and it will extend the longevity of your teaching career. I would also remind new teachers to not forget that the young people you are teaching are just that – young people! They will make mistakes because they are still developing so give them room to develop.”

Kieran Levy of McKinley Middle Magnet School

“The advice I would give is to try to get to know each student. There is not a one way fits all model to teaching. Learn from your own unique experiences and adjust as needed.”

Amy Moore of Westdale Heights Academic Magnet Magnet School

“My advice to aspiring teachers is that you are important. We NEED you! Young teachers have so much to offer both students and their coworkers. I also want them to know that they are one of the most important people in their students’ lives. Go to work every day and provide a positive environment for your students. Make sure they know that they are important and no matter what, always let them know that you care about them!”

Katy Ullrich of Liberty Magnet High School

“Educators are responsible for creating and modeling the future leaders of Baton Rouge.  We need to equip them with the tools necessary to become successful members of our community.”