Behind the scenes of our New Years-themed photoshoot
With inRegister turning 35 in 2024, we spent many months reflecting on the past and discussing how much has changed over time. But one thing that will never change— as proven on The Register’s iconic January 1962 cover—is our love for a fabulous New Year’s Eve celebration. With the help of Mike and Lexie Polito, the inRegister team and photographer Sean Gasser took over Supper Club to recreate the vintage image.
When we first reached out to Lexie, her fashion-forward mind immediately went to the outfit she would wear. Luckily, she had just purchased the perfect two-piece during a visit to New York. She says she chose the intricate silver sequin and pearl-adorned top and skirt by Balmain because it was a more modern take on festive New Year’s Eve attire. “I added the vintage white fur stole and long white gloves as a nod to the original cover and how elevated and elegant the style was back then,” she says.
When planning this fun photo shoot, the biggest question was how we would get the streamers to look like those in the original picture. Balloons wouldn’t work because the ceilings in Supper Club were too tall. And so, the DIYing began. About 15 minutes later and with only four household items missing, it was perfect—not picture-perfect by any means, but a perfect prop for the picture.

We used two brooms on each side to make it tall enough to lift above the Politos and keep the poles of the frame. Two wire clothing hangers connect the brooms in the center, which is where the ribbon was attached.
Although walking into Supper Club with the large, homemade eye-sore complete with two dirty broom bottoms was a bit embarrassing, it was all worth it when we got the pictures back.
See the other four cover recreations from our 35th-anniversary issue in the full story here.