(Photo by Sean Gasser)

BREC’s Late Night Hype aims to bring the community together through fun and safe events

When you think of community, you think BREC, the Recreation and Park Commission for East Baton Rouge Parish. Though BREC has over 180 parks throughout Greater Baton Rouge, the organization is known for far more than slides and seesaws. When Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome started Safe Hopeful Healthy BR as part of her Healthy City Initiative, BREC seized the opportunity to collaborate and address community violence. And thus, Late Night Hype was born.

Inspired by a successful Washington, D.C. parks and recreation program that nurtures the mind, body and soul by offering community resources and activities during unconventional hours, BREC teamed up with Empower 225 to launch Baton Rouge’s version.

Late Night Hype features 5-on-5 basketball games, art, music, food and other activities aimed at enhancing overall well-being, specifically in areas experiencing more crime. This engaging program invites the entire community to connect and socialize in a way that is both safe and fun.

Since its “Tip Off” party on April 5, Late Night Hype has held seven events, drawing an average of 337 attendees each time. BREC’s community survey revealed that attendees overwhelming agreed that the program successfully created a safe and enjoyable environment. Factors contributing to this success include the presence of police officers and volunteers, well-lit settings and plenty of staff members. Attendees especially appreciate the food, entertainment, rides, basketball tournaments, friendly staff and kids’ activities.

“It is very fulfilling to staff working the event to see the joy on the faces of the participants,” BREC chief operating officer Andrea Roberts says. “We often hear comments like, ‘I don’t come out in this area at night because of the crime, but this event has been a blessing.’”

Late Night Hype has brought together participants of all ages, from kids under 12 to adults over 65, with diverse household incomes and racial backgrounds, highlighting the event’s broad appeal and success in uniting the community.

“The extensive planning, marketing efforts and involvement of various community partners indicate a strong foundation for potential success,” says Katrina Coots Ward, BREC partnership and development director. “We feel that it has been a successful series, as we are now seeing familiar faces and the community eagerly looks forward to socializing during each event.”

For more information and to get involved, visit brec.org/LNHPartners.