TEDxLSU delivers ideas worth spreading to campus this Saturday
Simon Senek’s “How great leaders inspire action.” Keith Barry’s “Brain magic.” Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Your elusive creative genius.” Sound interesting? Familiar, even? Maybe that’s because they’re some of the most-watched lectures in the history of TED, the famous annual conference celebrating technology, entertainment and design, which these days finds some of its largest audiences online, watched worldwide as YouTube-friendly “TED Talks.” Founded in Silicon Valley in 1984 as a mecca for tech wizes, the non-profit organization TED now attracts a wide variety of speakers, from Pixar animators to undersea biologists. And with over 1 billion online views and counting, it’s no wonder that the talks have expanded far beyond a singular time and place, into cities and universities around the world.
This Saturday, March 11, LSU will play host to its own local array of inspiring speakers at TEDxLSU, an independent offshoot launched in 2013. The event will feature 13 speakers and influencers from across the city, in the fields of both art and science, and all proffering “ideas worth spreading” throughout the community. Whether interested in the power of dance and choreography, gravitational waves or a sneaky project tracking foxes through Baton Rouge, expect to find out something new—perhaps just under our noses—in the world around us.
To see a biography and preview of each speaker, purchase tickets or see a schedule of events, visit tedxlsu.com.