The buzzing business of bees and the Capital City residents working to keep it humming
Beekeeping is a business for some and therapy for others, but for most in the Capital Region, tending to ever-humming hives is a bit of both. The benefits of beekeeping and honey are boundless. Despite humans and bees having coexisted for millennia, scientists and honey collectors continue to discover new benefits and uses for each.
The age-old tradition of informing bees of a loved one’s passing captivated the world’s attention when the royal beekeeper shared the news of Queen Elizabeth’s death with her hives. For centuries, bees have held a significant place in families, and this sacred ritual highlights the profound connection between humans and these essential creatures.
And that’s just the bees themselves. Honey is as fascinating as the fuzzy insects that make it. The liquid gold is mentioned or alluded to by every major religion worldwide. Ancient Egyptians used the antimicrobial and everlasting goo as the base for approximately 900 medical remedies. They even buried their royals with jars of the all-natural elixir to sustain them on their journey to the afterlife. This fascination and respect for bees and their precious honey have lived on, often passing from generation to generation—but sometimes, the bees choose their keeper.
Click the images below to learn about the local beekeepers, honey producers and scientists working to keep the business of bees humming.