Cover image by Jackie Haxthausen.

Our July cover story features the furry friends of local design professionals

They say that the youngest child is always the most spoiled, but whoever “they” is must have never had a pet. From an excessive amount of toys to endless table scraps, I think we can all agree that our furry friends deserve the highest form of royal treatment.

In our July cover story, the six local design professionals featured give us the inside scoop on living luxuriously with animals in the mix. From a wallpapered sitting room complete with a trio to French bulldogs to a chartreuse sunroom with two dachshund sisters perched on a patterned couch, each profile offers a glimpse into the designers’ individual style and how they live with furry friends.

Anne Underwood of Underwood Interiors with Rosie and Peanut. Photo by Jackie Haxthausen.

Read the full cover story here, or pick up a copy of the July issue, on newsstands now.